Learning Opportunities

Envisioning a Collaborative Response Model - Introductory Workshop

Presented By

Kurtis Hewson

Series Sessions

Date Time
Thursday, September 27, 2018 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2018 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


In Person Holy Spirit PD Centre - 3rd Floor 620 12 Street B North, Lethbridge, AB

It is virtually impossible for a teacher to know how to successfully provide instruction and support for all students in diverse, inclusive contemporary classrooms. Come learn about a Collaborative Response Model, a school framework that values collaborative, action focused responses, data-informed discussions, and timely intervention to ensure all students can experience success. Also, learn how school administration and inclusive learning support leadership teams establish school-wide structures to ensure support for every student in our schools and across our districts. Numerous Alberta school and district examples, as well as access to a myriad of resources will be provided.

The morning half-day session is intended for staff members new to schools with Collaborative Response Models already established or individuals interested in learning more about the Collaborative Response Model.

The afternoon will focus on school leadership teams interested in establishing Collaborative Response Models in their schools or districts.  Focus will be placed on assisting teams in determining next steps for planning and implementing, with multiple examples and resources provided.


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